2024 Notice of Elections
A Nominating Committee has been appointed by Board Chair Jean Swift to provide nominations for the annual election of the Board of Directors. The committee consists of Directors David Moorehead, Jesse Luis and Louis Fusaro, Sr.
In accordance with the bylaw provisions for the election of director’s additional nominees for a director position may be submitted by petition when signed by one percent (1%) of CorePlus members (245 signatures based on a CorePlus membership of 24,461 as of the last day of December 2023). Such petitions must be accompanied by a signed certificate (letter) from the nominee(s) stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office.
Completed petitions must be sent to: Mr. David Moorehead, CorePlus Federal Credit Union, 202 Salem Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360, and must be received by the director no later than March 30, 2024.